Curitus Values.

  • Chasing after Purpose

    We love it when people are pursuing their dreams and we celebrate it when they want to pursue a more compassionate, sustainable and just world through their business.

  • Wondrous Curiosity

    We engage in projects with a sense of wonder. We are relentless in finding out how things work or don't’ work, we will always ask questions so that unimaginable solutions are discovered through curiosity. There are no stupid questions, just more data points to inform our decisions.

  • Thoughtful Bravery

    We are going to be brave in pursuing new ideas. But we’re not going to be brave for its own sake. We will do it in a thoughtful way. We are often aware of what is at stake and plan to manage risks when pursuing innovations.

  • Humility

    We will admit that we don’t know everything, nor have everything figured out. But we’re going to find the answers. We leave our egos behind so that we can be continuous learners to deliver the best solutions for our clients. We are open to change and we listen. We learn from our success and mistakes.

  • Mutual Commitment

    We work as an interconnected whole. This means that our client’s success is our success, our team’s success depends on each individual team members’ success. We don’t just implement programs,, we collaborate and check in to see how our clients are doing.

  • Playing the Long Game

    To see any systemic change, we are here for the long game. We will always choose to do the right thing instead of convenience.